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Shooting cascades in Papa-a

As soon as I saw small cascades running down the stream, I immediately thought it would be good to do long exposures. It was just disappointing that I did not bring my tripod [again!]. But then I felt I had to shoot.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

11 | Finding solitude

At this time of the year, everything moves so fast.  Everything is rush and everyone seems so pre-occupied with beating deadlines! I have started a countdown, yet, I missed 4 days of it.  Friday was devoted to finishing some reports then the Indios party at night. Weekends were spent for work backlogs, continued on Monday. Practically, there was no time to take a break from all of these. Scavenging through my photos today, I found...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

16 | So-so upload for the day

This is it!  Now I am finding it so hard to really be religious with a countdown thingy.  What more with a "Project 365"!  That--I will not go into--definitely! No matter how much effort you put into a certain "project" there are things or events that happen unexpectedly.  Even if you strictly follow a schedule, sometimes, this could not just be followed, especially when your physical body gives in. The day was busy. ...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

17 | Light of the world

One of the joys of being a photographer is having your work chosen for some kind of "publication."  Without bragging, some of my photos were actually featured in Pinoycentric, and of course in, which I am working on. My photo "Light of the World" was chosen for the 2009 Calendar of the Flickristasindios.  This is a photo of my 5 year old capiz lantern (parol).  Shooting it with ever changing light patterns was...

18 | It is Immaculate Conception day!

(Note: this was posted late due to some internet connection problems).  Today, December 8 is the feast day of the Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception...I have no fitting photo of the Immaculate Conception image, but I guess this will suffice. Being a Catholic, and schooled in a catholic school, I have never really fully understood this Marian tradition. Good thing there are available online resources already.  I am glad the my...

Monday, December 7, 2009

19 | The Nativity in stained glass


Sunday, December 6, 2009

20 | As we end our mourning

Early this year, we faced a big test. Losing a mother was painful. She was our mentor, best friend, a confidante, our chef, and everything for us. Losing Mamang was like losing an anchor, but just like what I mentioned in my earlier blog about her, there was a reason for her leaving us. Until now, the teacher that she is, she is still teaching us a lesson--about being a family. We have not lost an anchor, and we did not drift far apart. We...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

21 - A star lamp is born!

Earlier, I blogged about a set of busted Christmas lights and wondered where I could use it. Then I noticed a lamp inside the bedroom, which we do not actually use for the longest time. Besides, it's sinamay fabric is already a bit faded, ergo, it does not look good. I got the lamp as a gift from one of project partners in Davao and I do not want to give it away for some sentimental reasons. So I thought, perhaps sprucing it up a bit could make...

Friday, December 4, 2009

22 - Star

Two years ago, when I blogged about the family tradition of putting up the Christmas tree, I have already noticed that something was different. Yes the boys are growing up and the kind of excitement is almost over. Gio is now 15 going on 16, and will be going to college 2011. How time flies! Gelo is now 11, and will be in his teens soon. Our babies are no longer "our babies". This year, putting up and sprucing up the tree was a little late....

Thursday, December 3, 2009

23 - A Christmas gift

Last September, I received an email from ABS-CBN, and it says: Dear Mr. Ding Fuellos, We have recently visited your gallery of beautiful photographs over the internet. We are most impressed by your creativity and exemplary skills. We hope that you are open to the idea of donating one of your photographs for the benefit of our Alay sa Batang Basileno campaign, a project that will equip schools in the war-torn towns of Tipo-Tipo, Lamitan,...

24 - To go or not to go?

Day 2 - Countdown to Christmas 2009 It has been one year and I never really paid attention to this busted set of Christmas lights we bought a few years back. It did serve us for at least three (3) Christmases. Not bad! Anyway, I saw this on a pile of things that needed to be disposed (We usually dispose "garbage" at the end of the year.), and I thought that, perhaps, I could make something out of it. The Ondoy tragedy brought many people...

25 | Christmas 2009 countdown

I have not been really into the countdown thing. I thought it was just a waste of time and an additional burden, so they say. However, i just need to relish the thought that 2009 has been very good for me, and it is my way of paying tribute to My Creator. Why not? I am past 40 and life begins at 40, so they say. So what is keeping me from feeling like a kid again? Nothing! Likewise, I have not been very active with blogging lately and my blog...

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