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Shooting cascades in Papa-a

As soon as I saw small cascades running down the stream, I immediately thought it would be good to do long exposures. It was just disappointing that I did not bring my tripod [again!]. But then I felt I had to shoot.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Moving on

This morning, I was so enticed by one blogger who has moved his blogs to WordPress that I tried it myself and had the process figured out. It was just awesome to see how the entire blog being transferred from one site to another. Really neat! We owe it to technology and to the internet savvy guys who work hard (and get highly paid!) for this marvel in communication.I can blame it to my indolence in learning another blogging process, but perhaps,...

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Spotlight Mindanao Blogs: A unique blog contest

For those who are interested in Mindanao, and blogging about Mindanao, may join the contest.Check the details HE...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Caught in a red tape

I received a morning greeting which says: “Sana maganda ang araw mo.” Sadly though, I do not have a good day! It is because I simply am pissed off from head to toe. Who would not? Here is the reason why:I am moonlighting in one of the institutions where I do a study. Some of the information I need can be found in my previous work. Expecting that my name still rings a bell among my former colleagues in my previous work (a private institution) or...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Would you like to be exiled to Dapitan?

Figure it out: What was it like to be deported and exiled 115 years ago, when there were no telephone, malls, family, friends and just going there would take you days? And your only link to the world was through a snail mail, which perhaps you could not even depend upon because you fear that, perhaps, the Spaniards were prying into your letters to Josephine Bracken or Ferdinand Blumentritt. Being deported and exiled to Dapitan (which is even...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Securing the future

Meeting future farmersOriginally uploaded by Ding's Inkblots My father left us a small parcel of land which we alternately till. When our father passed away two years ago, I was the first to volunteer to manage it, putting my hard-earned money to venture into farming. To my dismay, however, the farm yielded so low. I feared that I would not recoup my expenses. Luckily, however, I had more than a thousand as profit which I willingly gave to my cousin...

Friday, July 20, 2007

Pristine Selinog Island

My friends who saw this photo were always asking me where on earth is this beach. I would say that this is the best beach I have seen so far. Even the famous Boracay Island could not compare to its pristine and crystal-clear water. The downside, however, is that the island does not have fresh water and the community thrives on rainwater. During the summer months, they have to fetch water either from Dapitan City or the nearby Apo Island in Negros...

At 7400 feet

At 7400 feetOriginally uploaded by Ding's Inkblots It was my second time to pass through the Halsema Highway in Benguet where we can find the highest point of the Philippine Highway System.The first one was 16 years ago, when Halsema Highway was still a dirt and rocky road and only the marker and cogon grass were visible in the area. I had no camera with me then that is why I promised myself that I should have a picture when I have the chance to...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I see a lurking devil!

"Tell me what you see in this figure," I once asked when I administred this projective technique test to one of my subjects when I was in college. Yes, we call our participants, subjects, in Experimental Psychology and Psychological testing [and we feel like we are the "Royalty". Smile!].After the test, I had to put some meanings to what he said, by tagging his responses with some codes that have corresponding meanings. If they see a furry animal,...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Human Tetris--anyone?

I still remember when Tetris was the "IN" thing and you just feel completely "obsolete" and left out if you don't have this handheld game.I was browsing in Yahoo and found this video. Looks like silly game but fun!Watch this video.----------------This blog entry is also posted at: PinoyBlogoSph...

On dead wife and "Antipolo States"

I came across one blog that really tickled my funny bone. It is the blog of Francesca who lives in France. One of her blog entries talks about two letters, which I find really outrageously hilarious! The letters say: Dear Francesca, My American boyfriend's wife died two days ago. My bf said, he would file a divorce so that we can marry. Can I marry him even he is not yet divorced? How long can we get married if his wife died two days ago ? Mayang Pamplona, Iloilo Dear Francesca, I am filing my papers to pass to US Embassy this week. My American bf kept on reminding me that I must put the "State" where I am presently living. I live in...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Trying out on scrapbooking

Scapbooking has become so popular these days, that almost all bookstores seem to be filled with cutesy thing-a-ma-jigs about scrapbooking. There are even TV shows featuring this form of arts and crafts. I wanted to make one, basically to store the prints of my photos. Disappointingly, however, I have no plenty of time to spare specially that I am busy working on some reports. Finally, I tried to have a hands-on on scrap booking when I was forced...

Monday, July 16, 2007

That "faith-full" July 16 Earthquake

I WAS ABOUT to close my browser but I shocked to learn that Japan has been hit by an earthquake. Read more about this news.On July 16, 1990, I was in La Trinidad, Benguet serving as one of the Guidance Counselors in San Jose High School. The second year high school history teacher was not able to have his class that day and it was a common practice in the school to make the students busy. With no other teacher to pitch in his class, I did a homeroom...

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