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Shooting cascades in Papa-a

As soon as I saw small cascades running down the stream, I immediately thought it would be good to do long exposures. It was just disappointing that I did not bring my tripod [again!]. But then I felt I had to shoot.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

By popular demand

Image via Wikipedia I have been a Flickr user since March 2007 or 3 years and 7 months to be exact. My PRO account expires on November 5, 2010. So far I have been satisfied with Flickr services, especially when it comes to protecting my photos from being stolen through its privacy and copyright options, and several features that allow me to see how my individual photos fared in the internet, and how they appealed to the viewers. I might renew it...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"I like it on my keyboard."

Last night, I was browsing through Facebook and saw a couple of statuses from two of my female friends.  One "I like it on my bed." and another likes it "in the closet." Apparently, this is another creative way of spreading the awareness of and support to the fight against breast cancer.  Even if I am not a woman, but I have a wife, sisters, women friends and relatives, so I am joining all in spreading this campaign. It can be recalled...

Friday, September 24, 2010

Announcing the Top 10 CNN Heroes 2010

Image via WikipediaPreviously, I blogged about CNN's announcement about its search for the CNN Heroes 2010.  Well, there is no Filipino nominee this time, but I am sure, there is no dearth of exemplary Filipinos, doing their heroic acts. The Top 10 Nominees include: Guadalupe Arizpe De La Vega Susan Burton Linda Fondren Anuradha Noirala Naryanan Krishnan Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow Harmon Parker Aki Ra Evans Wadongo Dan Wallrath Read more about...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Who will be the 2010 CNN Hero of the Year?

Image via WikipediaCNN has made an announcement that it will disclose its 2010 Top 10 CNN Heroes.  According to CNN, the announcement will be made on September 23, 2010, at 1PM at, which will commence an online voting. We recall that, in 2009, Efren Peñaflorida, a street educator from the province of Cavite was bagged the 2009 CNN Hero of the Year.  He also made the famous quote "We are the change that this world needs to be." Will...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Video | Manila : Queen of the Pacific

Video credit: The Travel Film Archive My late father always talked about his Escolta walks.  As a kid who grew in the province, I never had an inkling of how Manila looked like.  I only knew about it from my father's pictures, and later on when I had the chance to tag along with my parents.  He endlessly talked about how beautiful Escolta and Avenida Rizal was. We know that Escolta was the center of business and trade, much like Ayala Avenue and the Entire Ayala Center, then we had Cubao, Greenhills, and now, we have Libis, Rockwell, and the latest to grow are Fort Bonifacio and Madrigal Business Center in Alabang.  Avenida...

Friday, August 20, 2010

PAL Photo Contest: Another copyright infringement?

I have gotten tired of commenting on photo contests, which are, allegedly, violating the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines. But then, here is another one brandishing its audacity in the midst of Filipino photographers who are fighting for intellectual property rights.  This is happening despite the fact that they hired a professional photographer, affiliated with the Camera Club of the Philippines.  Later on, they stripped...

Monday, July 12, 2010

A people's victory

I have been wanting to create a video of my photo documentaries. Last Friday night, I tried to learn more about Olympus Studio 2 software which came as a bundle with my camera, which I haven't used for so long. I was more bent on using Adobe Photoshop CS3 for photo editing. I came to realize I could actually do time lapse tethered shooting with Olympus Studio 2 and make it into a movie. I tried it for 50 photos inside the house under poor lighting conditions, and I was so excited with the result even with poor quality photos, that I might do a time lapse photography one of these days, if time permits. So, I tried to make the time lapse...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

What now, Filipinos?

So, the automated election fever took us by surprise!  Filipinos was in awe how fast can we determine the next leader of the country.  Of course, there were fears and premonitions of cheating--the hi-tech way and the electoral protest for the position of Vice President is still much alive. The country has just inaugurated its Number 1 "employee" [as the President, himself, calls the Filipino people as his "boss"]. Witnessing the inaugural...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

2010 Election List of Candidates

Barely two weeks before the elections, have you decided who will you vote?  Do you know your presidentiables, vice presidentiables and senatoriables?  The candidates to three key positions may be easy to remember, but hey!  There are new faces and names in the senatoriable line up.  It may be worthy to check them out! Moreover, although we only need to choose one (1) PartyList, but there are 187 candidates to choose from. So you want to make a list before you go to the precinct booth? Check these documents which I downloaded from the COMELEC Website. Choose wisely! Please feel free to share this article to your friends...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

2010 Earth Hour Pilipinas and Photo/Video Contest

LAST YEAR, my kids and their cousins participated in observing Earth Hour. This year, my family will be participating again! This year Earth Hour Philippines aims for the participation of over 15 Million Filipinos in over 1000 towns and cities nationwide. Globally, 807 cities, towns and cities in 82 countries across every continent have already signed up. (Source: Earth Hour Pilipinas. ) This year, the Philippines must take Earth Hour seriously,...

Monday, March 22, 2010

WWD 2010: Clean Water for a Healthy World

Today, March 22, 2010, is world water day!  On the side of this planet, it is a few hours away to March 23.  But then, better late than never expressing my opinion on this issu...

Conversation with a cab driver on climate change

Coming from old Sta. Mesa, and exhausted from the long walk in my ocular inspection of the Ondoy-affected community that my project is intending to assist, I took a cab going back to Quezon City. We passed through the stretch of Quezon Avenue. Along this road is a few hundred meters stretch lined with decades-old mahogany trees, which are now beginning to regenerate their foliage after the “fall” during the cold season. For some reasons it follows...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blogger template designer

I am glad I have gone back to Blogger format.  While trying to figure out how I can revise the CSS and HTML of my uploaded template, I found this link in the layout page. For Blogger format users, there is a new feature through its Draft Blogger called Template Designer.  All you need is to make Draft Blogger your default blogger dashboard so that it will show. Below are the features of this new function in Blogger format: Click the...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Manny Pacquiao jokes

I am not usually reading spam mails but this one really caught my attention! Genie: Bibigyan kita ng isang kahilingan. Aling Dionisia: Talaga?... gusto ko gumanda! Genie: Buksan mo ang bote. Aling Dionisia: At gaganda na ako? Genie: Hindi. Babalik na lang ako sa loob. Pacman: Sabi ng titser ko, bakit daw ang eggplant walang egg? Aling Dionisia: Sabihon mo sa titser mo, na pag me egg yun, turta na yan, TURTA! Reporter: Ngayong nanalo ka Manny,...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I was wrong!

I must admit, I was wrong when I transferred my blog to another blog format.  I apologize for giving you a roundabout when it comes to my blogs!  My bad! But let me explain....

My 129th post...what else to blog about?

This is my 129th post since I I had my first post last April 28, 2007. This blog was born on April 27, 2007. It is almost three (3) years since then! I have covered several topics: * Blogging and technology * Development issues * Public policy and governance * Entertainment and the arts * Culture and tradition * Photography * Psychology * Work, and * Other themes like Christmas and event...

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