This is my 129th post since I I had my first post last April 28, 2007. This blog was born on April 27, 2007. It is almost three (3) years since then!
I have covered several topics:
* Blogging and technology
* Development issues
* Public policy and governance
* Entertainment and the arts
* Culture and tradition
* Photography
* Psychology
* Work, and
* Other themes like Christmas and events.
Aside from this, I have also given birth to some blogs which I eventually decided not to continue anymore. Finally, though, I am keeping three blogs, which I think are the most important for me right now.
If there is one big lesson in blogging or writing is that, it is a personal commitment to share your stories and ideas. Otherwise, not being able to sustain it means losing your blog following. I have been active in 2007, when blogging was at its infancy. I admit, I lost that big number of following. I have not been in the blogging scene too (blogging community). No regrets, though. I had to attend to more important things other than blogging.
Two years later, blogging no longer becomes personal and intrinsically motivated. Rather, many blogs and bloggers are more lured by the money they can earn from blogging. I, for a time, almost jumped into their boat. But I did not want, either, to be forced to write just because I am told to do so. I wanted to write because I have something to express, especially in my advocacy blogs, where no one can dictate what I want to say. Of course, I also adhere to my personal editorial policy that i should not write anything libelous or defamatory.
So this is my 129th blog–and expect some more in the coming months, and hope you return too!
For those who are new, you might want to check my archives or categories.
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