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Shooting cascades in Papa-a

As soon as I saw small cascades running down the stream, I immediately thought it would be good to do long exposures. It was just disappointing that I did not bring my tripod [again!]. But then I felt I had to shoot.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Photography and the art of seeing

In February this year, the members of Lightpainters Photography Club (LPC) had the chance to meet with Virgie Teresita a.k.a. Imago2007 in Flickr.  She is a US-based interior designer who dabbles in photography.  Virgie, has earned the respect of her fellow Flickristas for her photographic work, that is why we invited her to give a short talk for the members.  And I thank her for allowing me to blog about it (though a bit late). ...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Winning a photo contest

Winning a photo contest for the first time (well, officially and with a prize for that matter) gives a different high!  Recently, I won a photo contest by the Foundation for Sustainable Society, Inc. (FSSI) and Concepts Commune, which is in advocacy for the entrepreneurship for the poor. Winning photos are included in the photo exhibit dubbed as "Kabuhayan: Travelling Exhibit on the Entrepreneurship for the Poor". I was lucky to have three...

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