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Shooting cascades in Papa-a

As soon as I saw small cascades running down the stream, I immediately thought it would be good to do long exposures. It was just disappointing that I did not bring my tripod [again!]. But then I felt I had to shoot.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

By popular demand

Image via Wikipedia I have been a Flickr user since March 2007 or 3 years and 7 months to be exact. My PRO account expires on November 5, 2010. So far I have been satisfied with Flickr services, especially when it comes to protecting my photos from being stolen through its privacy and copyright options, and several features that allow me to see how my individual photos fared in the internet, and how they appealed to the viewers. I might renew it...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"I like it on my keyboard."

Last night, I was browsing through Facebook and saw a couple of statuses from two of my female friends.  One "I like it on my bed." and another likes it "in the closet." Apparently, this is another creative way of spreading the awareness of and support to the fight against breast cancer.  Even if I am not a woman, but I have a wife, sisters, women friends and relatives, so I am joining all in spreading this campaign. It can be recalled...

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